Tuesday, July 28, 2009

OBX Day... I'm a lifeguard!!!

Today was a beautiful day. I spent the majority of my day on the beach... another large portion of it eating and I even took a nap!

So I'm resting in a very large wooden lifeguard chair after tearing it up skim-boarding this evening, and suddenly it hits me... I'm a lifeguard!!!

Let me explain what I mean.

Tonight, as I was sitting in this ridiculously large wooden chair... there was a thunderstorm out over the ocean. I couldn't hear it but the whole sky lit up when the lighting hit... I was sitting there thinking about how large our ocean is... and how huge our sky is... and it all reminded me of how awesome our God is!!!

I often think about God when having the opportunity to gaze at our beautiful world... this is God's creation. It was all created by him (Gen 1:1). Me personally... I love a sunrise or sunset... there is something about the sky that points me to our God... (Psalm 19:1).

As I was sitting there meditating on God... I thought of Romans 1. Here Paul is setting up his argument and position that all have fallen short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23). He begins by explaining that God has been and is seen in his creation (Rom 1:18-25). It is so easy for man to worship the creature instead of the creator (Rom 1:25).

I thought about the many people that walk this beautiful beach everyday. I wonder what holds the attention of their hearts. Are they immediately captured by how beautiful God's creation is and compelled to worship him as a result or are they merely distracted by God's creation and compelled to worship it instead? What about my own affections?

As I prayed, my heart began to break for the world and the people that don't know God... my heart was immediately burdened for the lost. For those who have had their minds veiled to the truth of the gospel... (2 Cor 4:4).

I have a hope (2 Cor 3:12)! I have good news for the world. I have the gospel of Jesus Christ to share. I know there are people who are walking in darkness in this world with a veil over their foolish hearts unable to see God for who he is (Rom 1:21). He has called me and saved me. God has brought me into his family... his people. He has called me to love him with all my heart and love others (Mark 12:30-31). He has called me to be a light to this dark world (2 Cor 4:6, 2 Peter 1:19). He did not just save me from my sin though. He also saved me to something... He has called me to proclaim his love and his excellencies (1 Peter 2:9).

Actually, we all proclaim something... we all herald something... maybe our favorite restaurant, a favorite vacation spot, possessions, a hobby or even a person!!! We are really good at it. We were built to proclaim something... I believe that we are built to proclaim God's salvation (Psalm 96:1-2)!!!

Do you see? I'm a lifeguard. I have a life-preserver... one that saves whosoever will grab it (John 3:16-18).

So instead of sitting here for the rest of our time on this earth watching people drown in sin... let us preach the good news of the cross!!! We are lifeguards!!!

I pray that this thought will help us all understand more deeply the message of the gospel and the privilege of being a minister of it...


Monday, July 20, 2009

Give Me Jesus (Repost)

This is a repost from February... A friend of mine visited the Billy Graham museum in NC this weekend. Her stories reminded me of this post... I pray that it encourages your heart.

Give Me Jesus

There is a song called Give Me Jesus by Fernando Ortega. The lyrics are...

In the morning when I rise
In the morning when I rise
In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus

Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus,
You can have all this world,
Give me Jesus

When I am alone
When I am alone
When I am alone, give me Jesus

Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus,
You can have all this world,
Give me Jesus

When I come to die
When I come to die
When I come to die, give me Jesus

Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus,
You can have all this world,
Give me Jesus

Please listen to and watch this video:

Billy Graham has been a servant of Jesus Christ along with his wife Ruth for decades. His crusades have seen millions of people commit their lives to Christ! God has taken the surrendered hearts of this couple and used them to reach an entire world with the love of Christ and the power of the gospel! They were a great team. Its been said that every great spiritual leader or pastor has a great godly helper and partner by his side. Ruth Graham devoted her life to serving God and her husband and went home to be with the Lord in 2007. Together they raised five children to know Jesus! One among them being Franklin Graham who leads Samaritan's Purse and will be his father's successor.

Paul knew what it meant to live a life devoted to Christ! For Paul nothing was more important than Christ.
1 Cor. 2:2 says, "For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified."
Romans 8:38-39 says, "For I am sure that neither death not life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

It is all about him!!! Nothing else matters!
Jesus himself said, "... apart from me you can do nothing" (Jn 15:5).

I try so many times to live my life without him. As a follower of Christ I should follow him! He alone is good. He alone is what I need. As the song says, "Give me Jesus... You can have all this world... You can have all this world... You can have all this world... but give me Jesus!!!"

He loves us! He died for us. Give me Jesus! "Greater love has no one than this, that someone lays down his life for his friends" (Jn 15:13). Jesus then then says, "These things I command you so that you will love one another" (v.17).

You see God is love (1 Jn 4:8). Love is not God but God is love. We sometimes get confused that we can love without God being our first love. This thinking could not be more insane. There are various types of love. Google the Greek words for love and read about them. We must remember that "love is from God and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God" (v.7). The greek word being used in this passage is agape. This is the same love that is described in 1 Cor 13. From this love all other forms of love are shared. Without it we cannot love.

To keep Christ as our first agape (Rev 2:4) is to live a life of worship to our God!!! I love God because he first loved me. He saved my soul! He made me new. He is my Lover, my Savior, my Lord, my Friend and my Life. He is Jesus.

Give me Jesus.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My Prayer Tonight

My God... Dear God,

I am so less than you are! I want to decrease more, so that you will increase more... I want my life to be spent making more of you, much of you, everyday. May it be so...

God I know that I, unless in your graciousness allow me not to..., must suffer the consequences of my past sins... not that I am not pure before you and your work on the Cross is in vain!!!! I claim the Blood of Christ! My gift, my salvation, my love!!!

But that choices produce circumstances... circumstances may lead to trials. Have you not called me to walk wisely? You have! Give me the wisdom to do so now so that I may not suffer ahead! And in the middle of my trials, whether they be ordained by your sovereignty or they be a result of my unwise choices... you have called me to rejoice... and I rejoice!!!

Because I know you love me. I know you are making me complete... mature. I know you have something in mind for me... and I know that it is good! I don't deserve it.... but you have promised it!

I trust you Lord... I accept my life... whatever life you give. May I be pleasing to you as you work all things together... teach me to love... In your precious, glorious, gracious name I pray, Amen.

Monday, July 13, 2009


So I went to Wal-Mart today.

I have to confess that I don't really enjoy going to Wal-Mart. Actually the only thing I like about it is seeing someone I know! Haha...

I was visiting my family today in my home town. My dad and I went to Wal-Mart and guess what... Yep! I saw someone I knew. He's an old friend from the neighborhood that I grew up in. His name is Brian... But most call him "Smiley"
I thought it appropriate that I ran into him in a store that sports a big yellow smiley face for a mascot! That made me smile! Haha...

I spoke with him for a moment (nothing deep... just kind of small talk) then after giving him my number we bid one another farewell. As I was walking away... I felt like God spoke to my heart and said "Did Smiley seem very happy? Was he joyful? I want you to go back and ask him how you may pray for him!"

Actually Smiley didn't seem very happy at all! He smiled but it seemed very hard. It was as if there was a weight on him that covered up his joy! He was like a broken, dirty smiley face!

It took a moment for me to be obedient to what I felt God was asking me to do... I kept telling God that Smiley would call me and I'd talk to him then... but God didn't smile about that! He burdened my heart with the truth that I may never talk to Smiley again! I had to take advantage of that moment to love on this guy (Eph. 5:16).

When I finally got over myself and returned to my friend... I asked him if there was anything I could pray about for him. He was really open to it and seemed very grateful. This led to us talking about what God is doing in my life here lately. Somewhere in our conversation I asked him the question!

"Hey Bro, are you a Christian?"

That question led to a conversation about agnosticism and my favorite thing that Smiley said today, "I'm just not the church going type." Well, he didn't really know what being agnostic meant... but he called himself that... and then after explaining it to him... he assured me that he was not... agnostic.

I asked him about his beliefs concerning God and Jesus. He told me he believes! But he also told me that he is not a Christian. Apparently Smiley is dissatisfied with the Church. At least with what he has experienced of the Church.

We know from the book of Acts that when we were first called Christians (Acts 11:26). We know that what it really means is "Little Christ." Before that... Paul referred to those who followed Jesus as "followers of the Way" (Acts 22:4). Jesus said that He Himself was the Way (Jn. 14:6)!

The reason I share this with whomever reads it is simply this.

Are we following Jesus... the Way? When we read the Scriptures (if we read them) can we look at the picture of the Church (Acts 2:42-47) and say "That's what we look like"?

Or... do we look like "church going people" to my friend Smiley? Are we showing Jesus to this world? Or.... are we showing something else and calling it Christian?

There are so many people in this world who are hurting! They are in bondage! They are living without joy! They need the Truth of the gospel. But the one place they can find it is the one place most don't want to be affiliated with. They say, "I'm not the church going type" ~ Smiley.

I'm not saying that we are to be perfect! Do not misunderstand me. But to the world we live in we often are hypocrites!!! Don't just be a church going type! I urge you... follow Christ!!! They are watching... they need to see Christ in us!!! There are many like this!!! Let them know us by our love (Jn. 13:35)!!!

You say... "Yeah John! Look in the mirror..."

Fine... I'll lead the way! Let's go. Follow me. Let us love one another!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I went Ice Skating for the first time about a month ago... I was thinking...

Have you seen the movie Hitch?

In one scene Hitch and Sarah are sitting on the couch (Hitch is pretty messed up from Benadryl) when Sarah is telling a story about her sister almost drowning after the ice breaking under her while ice skating! The conversation soon moves to love. Sarah says, "I guess it's better not to love at all?" To which Hitch replies, "Yeah... or skate."

Here's my point...

I enjoy ice skating... I can't believe I never done it before now! I also am fond of love. Believe me... I'm a sucker! Hopeless romantic... can't help it. I have often wondered why some people are not. For some it's really hard to fall in love. I know it's a risk! Haha... I just remembered that in one of Will Smith's songs (the actor playing Hitch) he says to his son, "Ewww son, aint no pain like from the opposite sex!"

A mentor of mine wisely told me, "Here's the thing... Love is a choice!"

I'm crazy about those emotional highs that come at the beginning and can be rekindled! But on a day to day basis... "Love is a choice!" This is true for all types of relationships... marriages, friendships, families, and definitely our relationship with our Father in heaven!

My fear is that we are scared to love!!!

There is a time when we should guard our hearts and not awaken love - Proverbs 4:23, Song of Solomon 2:7, Song of Solomon 3:5, Song of Solomon 8:4

But we must not be afraid to fall head over heals crazy in love with God!

I think John the Apostle got this!!!! I mean he got it! Everything he wrote in the Scriptures is filled with stuff about love! He never referred to himself by name. He only said, "The disciple whom Jesus loved (John 13:23). He never got over the truth that God loved him!!!

Remember that God has called us to love (Mark 12:30-31). To love Him and others! There are many different types of love, but we must remember that our highest calling is to love!!!

Consider this... (1 Jn 4:7-12).

So how can we begin to love as Christ loved? How can we run full speed ahead into love?

Hitch says, "Because thats what people do... they leap and hope to God they can fly! Because otherwise, we just drop like a rock... wondering the whole way down..."why in the .... did I jump?" But here I am Sarah, falling. And there's only one person that makes me feel like I can fly... That's you."

I say... know that you are loved!!! Let Christ and the gospel be the reason you jump! Go ahead... fall! Fall hard and fast.

Choose to Love!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Spiritual Disciplines Part 2

Bible Intake

Whitney opens this section of his book with a sad and challenging story. He tells of a time when he and some friends were traveling on mission in East Africa. They soon realized that the church they were ministering to looked as though it was "started by Corinthian missionaries" (23). Very soon, they noticed that the reason for the immorality of this church was that they had no Bible. No one! Not even the pastor had a copy of God's word!

"Most of us shake our heads in pity at such sad conditions. It's hard to imagine that many of us have more Bibles in our homes than entire churches have in some Third-World situations. But it's one thing to be unfamiliar with Scripture when you don't own a Bible; it's another thing when you have a bookshelf full" (24).

Whitney rightly argues that...

"No Spiritual Discipline is more important than the intake of God's word".

It is common for us to become so busy in our lives that we neglect the nourishment needed to make it through this life! Our culture rewards busyness. The more we do the more we feel like we have it all together. But honestly, if we are neglecting our souls of God's Word... I doubt we are doing anything remotely worthwhile. We must cherish and practice the intake of Scripture!!!

Whitney communicates that there are 3 ways that we can do this. They are...
  • Hearing God's Word
  • Reading God's Word
  • Studying God's Word
"The purpose of all methods of Bible intake is obedience to what God says and the development of Christlikeness" (25). Hearing is the easiest. Even so, we must discipline ourselves to hear God's Word. If not, we will only hear it occasionally or never at all. Jesus implied that we would hear Scripture (Luke 11:28). We must remember that merely hearing it is not the point. Obedience to it is!

The way most of us listen to God's word is by attending a New Testament church. This is good for many reasons... one being that God's word commands it (Heb. 10:24-25). Another way that we can listen to it is via technology. I often listen to God's word through sermon podcasts. Most are free for download from Itunes. I recommend pastors/teachers like Mark Driscoll, John Piper, Matt Chandler, Francis Chan, Mark Batterson, and John MacArthur. There are many more that I like. There are more out there than any one person can listen to. Whomever you choose, I encourage you to always pray that God will guard your hearts and minds from error! You should find God fearing men who spend their lives praying and teaching God's Word that you can trust... But remember that no one is perfect... we all have the Holy Spirit to guide us into understanding the Scriptures.

It is also important that we discipline ourselves to read God's Word. You know it doesn't come naturally for us to sit down and take in Scripture! We are so sinful. We have depraved minds and hearts. We must, with the help of the Spirit, discipline ourselves to read it (Rom. 8:1-11). Whitney gives three practical suggestions for consistent success in Bible reading:

  • Find the time
  • Find a Bible-reading plan. I use... http://www.biblegateway.com/resources/readingplans/index.php/today?plan=1&version=47
  • Find at least one word, phrase or verse to meditate on each time you read
In addition to hearing and reading... we must study God's Word. "If reading the Bible can be compared to cruising the width of a clear, sparkling lake in a motorboat, studying the Bible is like slowing crossing that same lake in a glass-bottomed boat" (31). I am to often guilty of neglecting the discipline of dissecting the Scriptures! I want to, but it takes time and effort.

R.C. Sproul said, "Here then, is the real problem of our negligence. We fail in our duty to study God's Word not so much because it is difficult to understand, not so much because it is dull or boring, but because it is work."

I have taken classes on how to study the Scriptures. It is a science called hermeneutics. Some times people feel very inadequate to study God's Word. It is not merely a discipline for the pastor or church leader alone... it is a privilege for all! There are many resources available to assist in Bible Study. We can do it! We must! Think about this...

If your growth in Godliness were measured by the quality of your Bible intake, what would be the result?

Our growth in Godliness is greatly affected by it! The process of growing in Christlikeness is called sanctification. Jesus prayed that God's people would be sanctified by His Word (John 17:17)! Whitney says, "If we settle for poor quality intake of hearing, reading, and studying God's Word, we severely restrict the main flow of God's sanctifying grace toward us" (33).

It is easy to begin feeling guilty when thinking about this. I've heard it said that the quickest way to humble a Christian is to ask about one's prayer life. But remember that our salvation is not by works of our own, but from what Christ has done for us (Eph. 2:8)! Also, join with Paul in his humble pursuit of holiness (Phil. 3:12-14).

What is one thing you can do to improve your intake of God's Word?

Whatever we do, we must do it with the understanding that our goal is Godliness. To know Him intimately!


Friday, May 22, 2009

Spiritual Disciplines Part 1

In the first chapter of Whitney's book we are immediately exposed to this truth...

"Discipline without direction is drudgery" (p.13). 

It is important for the Christian to understand that God intends to conform His children to the image of His Son (Rom 8:29). This process is called sanctification (Rom 6-8). It means becoming more like Christ. Growing in Godliness and holiness. I don't think any one bearing the name of a believer would consider this a bad thing. But the sad observation I have with most of the Church today is that there seems to be a lack of understanding among believers about how to grow in Godliness as well as an understanding that it is not merely a good thing but actually it is a command (Heb 12:14, 1 Peter 1:15-16). It is vital. We must pursue holiness! 

It is true that we are unable to make ourselves holy (Rom 8:8). But by the Spirit of God in us we can overcome sin and death. This is the meaning of God's Word when it says "... he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you" (Rom 8:9-11). We walk by the Spirit.

Whitney submits and I find his reasoning without concern, that the way in which the believer actively chooses to obediently pursue holiness is found in Paul's instruction to Timothy (1 Tim 4:7). Where the Scripture is translated here "train yourselves for Godliness" it can also be translated "discipline yourselves for godliness. Whitney maintains that "the only road to Christian maturity and Godliness [...] passes through the practice of the Spiritual Disciplines" (p.14). He encourages his readers that when this is remembered, the Spiritual Disciplines become a delight instead of a drudgery

"The Spiritual Disciplines are those personal and corporate disciplines that promote spiritual growth. They are the habits of devotion and experiential Christianity that have been practiced by the people of God since biblical times" (p.15).

The Spiritual Disciplines that will be covered in this book are:
  • Bible Intake
  • Prayer
  • Worship
  • Evangelism
  • Service
  • Stewardship
  • Fasting
  • Silence
  • Solitude
  • Journaling
  • Learning
These are ways (and there are many more) in which we as believers participate with the Spirit of God in sanctification. "Think of the Spiritual Disciplines as spiritual exercises" (p.16). In any effort one understands that in order to become more effective, one must discipline oneself in practice. Whitney points out that there are three ways in which God uses to transform or conform us to Godliness. These are people (Proverbs 27:17), circumstances (James 1:1-4), and the Spiritual Disciplines. He is quick to note that only one of these are primarily under our control... the Spiritual Disciplines.

There are three main points of application:

  • There is danger in neglecting the Spiritual Disciplines 
          - by neglecting the Spiritual Disciplines we face the danger of bearing little spiritual fruit.
  • There is freedom in embracing the Spiritual Disciplines
          - any one who plays an instrument or plays a sport with excellence has heard... "Man, they make that look easy". But the truth is that the freedom they experience in their execution or demonstration of ability comes as a result of practiced discipline. 
  • There is an Invitation to All Christians to Enjoy the Spiritual Disciplines
          - all in whom the Spirit of God dwells are invited to taste the joy of a Spiritual Disciplines lifestyle.

"Discipline without direction is drudgery. But the Spiritual Disciplines are not drudgery as long as we practice with the goal of Godliness in mind" (p.22). 

I pray that this has encouraged you to engage in the practice of growing in Godliness. 
